Posted on October 8, 2019
Doom – Atari Jaguar – Let’s Play
Doom was published on the Atari Jaguar in 1994, and seems a pretty decent port to me, but is massively hampered by being the only console port that doesn’t have any music, and therefore it loses a hell of a lot of the atmosphere in the game. It’s just silent as you run around the maps hunting down enemies – just the occasional enemy noise, and obviously explosions and gunfire.
The weird Jaguar keypad thing on the MASSIVE controller comes in useful on this port though as it gives you direct access to all the weapons and the map without having to cycle through the options like you do on the other console ports.
It’s still Doom though so it’s a lot of fun, and I’m pretty gutted that I missed out on the whole Doom phenomenon as a kid due to owning an Amiga when it all blew up, and by the time I made it to the PC, Doom was a few years old, and games like Duke Nukem 3D were the ones to buy. I feel like I missed out on a bit of history!
- Atari Jaguar
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