Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire? - Sega Dreamcast

Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire? – Sega Dreamcast – Let’s Play

Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire? is a parody of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and was developed by Hypnotix and released in 2000 for PC and Dreamcast.

The gameplay consists of answering a series of multiple choice questions, similar to the TV show, and then you get a chance to beat up the millionaire that you selected at the start of the game. There are many parody millionaires to choose from such as a Bill Gates character, Anna Nicole Smith, and the one I chose, a pre US President Donald Trump (Ronald Hump in this game).

The game doesn’t have much replayability, I had 2 goes in practice, and 2 goes on this stream, and I managed to beat Ronald Hump so pretty much ‘completing’ the game. I guess that I could go on to try and beat the other 5 millionaires, but I certainly don’t feel compelled to! Not sure there is much here to justify a full price tag.

Equipment used:

  • Sega Dreamcast
  • GDEmu
  • New, quieter fan
  • OSSC

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